Thursday, July 5, 2018

Keep Your Hand On The Plow

Keep your hand on the plow of God. Hold on, hold on. Keep your hand on the plow, hold on.

This morning was the Opening Eucharist for the 79th General Convention. Nearly, 1500 people gathered to pray, sing, clap, hear the Presiding Bishop preach and receive the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Worship at General Convention is one of the great jewels of our time together. Worship occurs everyday at Convention and a prayer is said before each Legislative Committee Meeting. Worship today was inspiring and renewing!!

I can’t say word-for-word what the Presiding Bishop preached about. Even if I tried, I would not do his sermon justice. Keep looking for the sermon on the internet if you want to listen. The Presiding Bishop reminded us that we are the Episcopal Branch of the Jesus Movement. As this branch of the Jesus Movement how do we react when things in the world seem dark, dysfunctional, messy and just wrong - “Keep your hand on the [Gospel] plow hold on, hold on.” He reminded us that the Way of Jesus is Love, and that Love has the power to change lives and change the world.

As we were going into worship we were given pamphlets. Now, I am assuming very few of us looked at the pamphlet when trying to find our seat. The Presiding Bishop explained to us what we received during his sermon. First, he asked the question, “What Do We Seek?” The answer is Love, Freedom, Abundant Life and We Seek Jesus. This was in the pamphlet. As we were leaving worship, we received another resource guide. The guide is titled “The Way Of Love: Practices for Jesus-Center Life.” This resource says we are to Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go and Rest. You can go online at and view this new resource.

I hope you have received a small glimpse of our worship experience.

The Rev. Dr. Jim Taylor

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