Saturday, June 27, 2015

Election for Presiding Bishop

There is a buzz among the deputies in the House anticipating word from the House of Bishops that they have elected the next Presiding Bishop for our Church. Looking at our schedule for today, that election will probably happen sometime this afternoon. The formal announcement of an election will be carried from the House of Bishops to the House of Deputies and given to the President of the House of Deputies to announce to Convention. At such time President Gay Jennings will proceed and ask our House to officially confirm the election. 
I am thrilled that each candidate for Presiding Bishop came to the House of Deputies two days ago, in a special joint session, and offered their vision for our Church moving forward in a complicated yet hungry world; a world longing to connect with a living and loving God, and a responsive, relevant, caring body of Christ. 
The election is really a process of discernment, that in prayer and silence and seeking the will of God,a candidate will emerge whose life and faith and talents is the person to lead our beloved Church in this day and age. I trust that process.
May we pray for those who have humbly placed their names in nomination for Presiding Bishop:

Tom Breidenthal
Dabney Smith
Ian Douglas
Michael Curry

Almighty God, by your grace you have called into discernment our Church for the election of the Presiding Bishop; you have also called into that discernment process four bishops among us and we thank you for their willingness to stand for election. By your grace provide a leader among leaders who will lead faithfully and with courage this your Church. We place before you, your servants Tom, Ian, Dabney and Michael. In Christ we pray.

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