Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Resources to prepare for General Convention

As General Convention approaches, there is a lot of preparation that the deputation must undertake. The Blue Book itself is 676 pages and includes reports from Committees, Executive Council, Commissions, and Task Forces. These reports contain some of the 217 resolutions that are currently submitted. 

As a rookie deputy, I have found it helpful to supplement this reading with commentary from around The Episcopal Church. The outside perspective has opened my eyes to varying viewpoints while still being able to maintain my own opinions. Here are some of those resources I have used:

The Episcopal Café
Acts 8 Moment
Tangled Up In Blue: a blog by Scott Gunn, Exec. Dir. of Forward Movement
Crusty Old Dean: a blog by Tom Ferguson, Dean of Bexley Seabury

Note: By listing a blog here, we are not endorsing the opinions of the writer(s) but offering up various viewpoints.

If you are interested in learning even more, there is a Google Hangout tomorrow, June 10 at 3 pm EST with Scott Gunn and Tom Ferguson that I will be joining and I hope you can too!

Seven Whole Crusty

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I missed it but I am glad that you shared about it here and through this post I came to know about online events like this. I keep attending similar events at local convention center but online concept is whole new for me.
